What is Facial Rejuvenation & Cosmetic Acupuncture
Facial Rejuvenation & Cosmetic Acupuncture is a series of face and full body acupuncture treatments that focus on correcting the signs of aging. Points are selected according to each patient's needs, thus allowing individualized treatments that target specific facial areas. Although this treatment focuses on the face, it is much more than a beauty procedure. It is a revitalization process designed to help the whole body look and feel younger.
How does Facial rejuvenation & Cosmetic Acupuncture work
Facial Rejuvenation treatments are based on the principals of Chinese Medicine. In addition to helping resolve symptoms, Facial Rejuvenation & Cosmetic Acupuncture addresses the root cause of aging and proactively builds your skin’s health for the future. In a scientific explanation, insertion of an acupuncture needle causes fibroblasts and macrophages to migrate to the area carrying along with them rebuilding materials. The fibroblasts create elastin and collagen which strengthen the skin, while the macrophages reabsorb any excess. Also the sympathetic nervous system is stimulated which leads to an increase in blood circulation and nourishment to your skin.
Facial Rejuvenation & Cosmetic Acupuncture Benefits
Why choose Facial Rejuvenation & Cosmetic Acupuncture
While Facial Rejuvenation & Cosmetic Acupuncture is not a replacement for surgery, it is an excellent alternative. It is far less costly and traumatic to the patient than cosmetic surgery and has no side effects or risk of disfigurement. In fact, one leaves a treatment relaxed, with a sense of radiance and well-being. Facial Rejuvenation & Cosmetic Acupuncture generates an overall subtle lifting in a safe and natural way while improving the overall heath and energy.
About your Treatments
A typical visit lasts from 1 to 2 hours. During the 12 treatment series, we will focus on your main concerns targeting specific facial areas, while addressing the underlying causes of aging. For best results, treatments should be done weekly, however, can be bimonthly if necessary. In order to optimize results, we recommend that you comply with Lifestyle recommendations, which will be addressed throughout the series. These include Stress Management, Sleep Habits, Diet and Exercise, Skin care, Herbal Medicine, Facial Self Massage and or Acupressure. Also we recommend that you receive at least one facial during your package from an esthetician. Please be advised that although one may notice changes after the first treatment, the effects become stabilized and more pronounced after the seventh treatment, although everyone responds differently depending upon one's health condition and lifestyle.
Although other health concerns may be ameliorated, we ask that if you have other health concerns you want addressed, that you seek out separate treatment so that we may keep focus on your facial concerns.
Age and lifestyle not only effect the outcome but also indicate how often maintenance treatments following series are needed. Monthly is usually optimal, sometimes seasonally, or bimonthly. In 3-5 years it is recommended to repeat the entire series. Suggestions will be provided to you at the end of the series.
Facial Rejuvenation & Cosmetic Acupuncture is a series of face and full body acupuncture treatments that focus on correcting the signs of aging. Points are selected according to each patient's needs, thus allowing individualized treatments that target specific facial areas. Although this treatment focuses on the face, it is much more than a beauty procedure. It is a revitalization process designed to help the whole body look and feel younger.
How does Facial rejuvenation & Cosmetic Acupuncture work
Facial Rejuvenation treatments are based on the principals of Chinese Medicine. In addition to helping resolve symptoms, Facial Rejuvenation & Cosmetic Acupuncture addresses the root cause of aging and proactively builds your skin’s health for the future. In a scientific explanation, insertion of an acupuncture needle causes fibroblasts and macrophages to migrate to the area carrying along with them rebuilding materials. The fibroblasts create elastin and collagen which strengthen the skin, while the macrophages reabsorb any excess. Also the sympathetic nervous system is stimulated which leads to an increase in blood circulation and nourishment to your skin.
Facial Rejuvenation & Cosmetic Acupuncture Benefits
- Softens and or eliminates wrinkles and frown lines
- Lifts and tones facial muscles for puffy eyelids and sagging face
- Stimulates growth of healthy collagen and elasticity
- Tightens pores and brightens eyes, reducing dark circles
- Increases local blood and lymph circulation
- Improves facial color and diminishes age spots
- Soothes rosacea and improves acne
- Hydrates dry skin and balances oily skin
- Reduces stress and promotes total health and well-being
- A series of treatments may erase as many as five to ten years from the face
Why choose Facial Rejuvenation & Cosmetic Acupuncture
While Facial Rejuvenation & Cosmetic Acupuncture is not a replacement for surgery, it is an excellent alternative. It is far less costly and traumatic to the patient than cosmetic surgery and has no side effects or risk of disfigurement. In fact, one leaves a treatment relaxed, with a sense of radiance and well-being. Facial Rejuvenation & Cosmetic Acupuncture generates an overall subtle lifting in a safe and natural way while improving the overall heath and energy.
About your Treatments
A typical visit lasts from 1 to 2 hours. During the 12 treatment series, we will focus on your main concerns targeting specific facial areas, while addressing the underlying causes of aging. For best results, treatments should be done weekly, however, can be bimonthly if necessary. In order to optimize results, we recommend that you comply with Lifestyle recommendations, which will be addressed throughout the series. These include Stress Management, Sleep Habits, Diet and Exercise, Skin care, Herbal Medicine, Facial Self Massage and or Acupressure. Also we recommend that you receive at least one facial during your package from an esthetician. Please be advised that although one may notice changes after the first treatment, the effects become stabilized and more pronounced after the seventh treatment, although everyone responds differently depending upon one's health condition and lifestyle.
Although other health concerns may be ameliorated, we ask that if you have other health concerns you want addressed, that you seek out separate treatment so that we may keep focus on your facial concerns.
Age and lifestyle not only effect the outcome but also indicate how often maintenance treatments following series are needed. Monthly is usually optimal, sometimes seasonally, or bimonthly. In 3-5 years it is recommended to repeat the entire series. Suggestions will be provided to you at the end of the series.